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Newborn Care Essentials Baby’s First Bath, neonatologist in Dubai

Newborn Care Essentials: Baby’s First Bath

After bringing your new baby home, everything will feel tricky at first but with a bit of practice and guidance, you’ll soon become a pro. Babies are very small and fragile, that is why you need to be prepared for their first bath. Dr. Olfra, a neonatal pediatrician, has a few pointers and pieces of advice that you can follow to give your baby a successful first bath.

Bring together all of the baby bath supplies you’ll need:

A baby bath sponge or a clean washcloth would suffice, a fresh blanket or bath towel, a fresh diaper, clean Clothes, Gauze and Vaseline, and warm water. Remember that you should always keep your baby under supervision.

The fundamentals of infant bathing:

  • First, use the thermometer to check the temperature of the water, between 37-38 degrees.
  • Undress the infant while holding the head with one hand. Leave the diaper on and cover your newborn with a towel.
  • Clean one area at a time with a baby towel or clean cloth. Start at the back of the ears and go behind to the neck, elbows, knees, and between the fingers and toes.
  • You should clean the head after the bath is done so that the infant does not get chilly. While babies don’t have a large amount of hair, you can use a sponge to wash what’s there. To prevent getting water in their eyes, incline their head slightly while still supporting it.
  • Remove the diaper and clean the baby’s tummy, legs, and private parts.
  • Gently pat the baby dry. If you massage your skin, it will get inflamed.

Dr. Olfa‘s aim as a neonatologist in Dubai is to achieve optimal physical, mental, and social healthcare and well-being for all newborns and children, and to provide families with the knowledge and confidence they need to make the best health decisions regarding neonatal care for their children. Visit us for more information and advice about taking care of your baby.