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developmental pediatrician Dubai

Developmental delays

Developmental delays are common for children during preschool times.

It is when a child doesn’t attain the basic developmental skills required of them at their age. A child with a developmental delay is not typically on the same level as other kids of the same age.

For instance, they may face difficulties in various daily aspects such as walking, speech and language use, learning new things, cognition, and communication with others.

These children need special care and attention from their parents as well as a society so they can transform this weakness into a strength.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish if a child has a developmental delay or not. There is no blood test or anything to specify if a child has a delay in their development.

Therefore, an expert is much needed in this case. Dr. Olfa, a developmental pediatrician in Dubai, identifies the case through early screening and evaluation for kids to determine if they do have a developmental delay or not.

She also follows them throughout the process by setting regular development assessments to help minimize any developmental difficulties.

When you provide the best care you can for your child, they are more likely to catch up to their peers and become “late bloomers”.

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