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All You Need To Know About Bottle-feeding

Bottle-feeding refers to the act of feeding your baby formula or expressed breast milk from a bottle.  While a consultant neonatologist recommends exclusive breastfeeding, especially during the first six months, there are several reasons why you may choose to bottle-feed your baby.  Some mothers may not produce enough breast milk to meet the needs of their babies. In such cases, they may choose to supplement with formula. Additionally, you may have medical conditions that prevent you from breastfeeding, such as mastitis, thrush, or a physical injury to the breast. Bottle feeding may also be considered if you are a working mother and need to return to work. Bottle feeding can be a convenient way to provide nutrition to your baby while you are away. For personal reasons, you may prefer to bottle-feed because you find it to be more convenient or feel more comfortable with it. Bottle-feeding also enhances sharing of feeding responsibilities, for example, fathers or other caregivers may want to be involved in feeding the baby, and bottle-feeding allows for this. It’s important to note that formula can provide the necessary nutrients for a growing baby, and there is no shame in choosing to bottle-feed. According to pediatrician neonatologists, the most important thing is to ensure that the baby is getting the nutrition they need to develop and grow. All You Need To Know About Bottle-feeding Here are some things to keep in mind when bottle-feeding your baby: Choose the right bottle: There are many types of bottles on the market, and you may need to try a few before finding the one that works best for you and your baby. Look for bottles with a slow-flow nipple, which will help prevent overfeeding and reduce the risk of colic. Prepare the formula correctly: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for preparing the formula. If the formula is not prepared correctly, it can cause an upset stomach or other health problems. Hold the baby correctly: When bottle-feeding, make sure you hold the baby in a comfortable position, with their head supported and the bottle at the right angle. Avoid propping the bottle up, as this can cause the baby to inhale air and lead to gas and discomfort. Pay attention to hunger cues: A hungry baby may root, suck on their fingers, or make noises. Offer the bottle when they show these signs, but don’t force the baby to finish a bottle if they’ve had enough. Burp the baby regularly: Burping helps release trapped air, reducing the risk of colic and other digestive issues. Store breast milk and formula properly: If you are using expressed breast milk or formula, make sure to store it properly to maintain its safety and quality. Clean and sterilize the bottle: Clean the bottle after each use and sterilize it regularly, especially if the baby is younger than three months old. Remember, every baby is different and may have unique feeding schedules and preferences. It’s important to listen to your baby’s cues and adjust accordingly to make sure they are getting the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. Dr. Olfa is a renowned neonatologist in Dubai, UAE. Having acquired experience over the years, she is confident in attending to your baby before, during, and after birth. She has an MD in Pediatrics and a subspecialty in Neonatology. She has proven competency in pediatric patient care, medical knowledge, and practice-based learning and improvement. She is fluent in French, Arabic, and English. Make an appointment today. Sources Feeding From a Bottle. Here’s How to Bottle-Feed Your Baby – What to Expect Bottle-feeding babies: giving the bottle

Tips For Keeping Your Baby’s Skin Healthy

Taking care of your baby’s skin is one of the great tips for ensuring your baby doesn’t get ill. This is because they have delicate skin which may not act as a strong barrier to infections. Read on to learn how you can ensure your baby’s skin always remains healthy. Importance Of Keeping Your Baby’s Skin Healthy According to a consultant neonatologist, it is important to keep your baby’s skin healthy for several reasons. Protection. A healthy skin barrier protects your baby from external irritants and helps prevent infection. Comfort. Healthy skin is less likely to become dry, itchy, or irritated, which can cause discomfort for your baby. Growth and Development. A baby’s skin is a key factor in its overall health and growth. A healthy skin barrier allows for the proper regulation of body temperature, hydration, and nutrients, all of which are essential for growth and development. Bonding. Touch is an important part of bonding with your baby, and healthy skin is essential for skin-to-skin contact. Future Health. Establishing healthy skincare habits early in life can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy skin and can reduce the risk of skin problems in the future. Peace of Mind. Taking care of your baby’s skin can give you peace of mind, knowing that you’re doing everything you can to promote their health and comfort. Pediatricians recommend taking care of your baby’s skin as it is an important part of their overall health and well-being, and helps ensure that they have a healthy start in life. If your baby’s skin is not kept healthy, they are likely to develop skin conditions, including: Diaper Rash. Diaper rash is a common skin condition that can be caused by prolonged exposure to wet or dirty diapers. Eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, itchy, and red skin. It is more common in babies and young children. Cradle Cap. A cradle cap is a type of seborrheic dermatitis that causes scaly, yellow patches on a baby’s scalp. Heat Rash. Heat rash, also known as miliaria, is a skin condition that occurs when sweat ducts become clogged, leading to red bumps on the skin. Impetigo. Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection that causes blisters and scabs on the skin. Baby Acne. Baby acne is a common skin condition that causes red pimples on a baby’s face and sometimes on their chest and back. Ringworm. Ringworm is a fungal skin infection that causes circular, red, itchy patches on the skin. If you suspect your baby has a skin condition, consult Dr. Olfa, one of the best developmental pediatrician in Dubai, for proper diagnosis and treatment. Early treatment can help prevent complications and ensure that your baby’s skin stays healthy. Tips For Keeping Your Baby’s Skin Healthy Here are some great tips for keeping your baby’s skin healthy. Bathing. Bath your baby no more than 3 times a week, as over-bathing can strip their skin of its natural oils. Use a mild, fragrance-free baby soap, and make sure the water isn’t too hot. Moisturizing. Moisturize your baby’s skin daily with a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic lotion to prevent dryness and irritation. Avoiding harsh products. Avoid using products that contain fragrances, dyes, or other harsh chemicals, as these can irritate a baby’s delicate skin. Dressing. Dress your baby in soft, breathable fabrics like cotton to avoid irritating their skin. Diapering. Change your baby’s diaper frequently to prevent diaper rash. Use a diaper cream that contains zinc oxide to protect their skin. Protecting from the sun. When going outside, make sure to protect your baby’s skin from the sun by dressing them in lightweight clothing and using a hat and sunblock. Avoiding excessive heat. Try to avoid exposing your baby to excessive heat, as this can cause their skin to become dry and irritated. It’s also important to keep an eye out for any signs of skin irritation, rashes, or other skin issues, and to consult a neonatologist if you have any concerns.   Sources How to care for your baby’s skin, hair, and nails Baby Skin Care: 8 Tips, Products to Use, and More – Healthline 7 Effective And Useful Tips To Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy

How To Know If Your Child Has Hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the front aspect of the neck. It produces endocrine hormones called thyroid hormones that play a significant role in the body.  For example, the thyroid hormone helps regulate the rate at which your child’s body utilizes energy and also helps in the regulation of the body temperature and heart rate.  Hypothyroidism is when your child’s thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone to help with various body functions.  Your pediatrician or neonatologist will help treat your child with hypothyroidism. What Causes Hypothyroidism In Children? There are many causes of hypothyroidism in children. One of the most common causes of hypothyroidism in children is having a family history of hypothyroidism. If your child has blood relatives such as siblings, parents, or grandparents with hypothyroidism, they are at increased risk of developing the disease. Another cause of hypothyroidism in children is autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or grave disease. Autoimmune disorders affect the thyroid gland’s ability to produce adequate thyroid hormone levels. Sometimes your child may be born without a thyroid gland, a condition known as congenital hypothyroidism. Lack of a thyroid gland will therefore result in hypothyroidism. Other disorders, such as those affecting the pituitary gland, may also result in hypothyroidism. How To Know If Your Child Has Hypothyroidism? You can know your child has hypothyroidism by understanding the symptoms of hypothyroidism. However, in children, hypothyroidism has a subtle and gradual symptom that mimics many other medical conditions. Therefore, you should seek the advice of the pediatrician, who will assess your child and order a medical test to diagnose the disorder.  Here are the most common signs and symptoms that may suggest your child has hypothyroidism. Jaundice – yellowness of the white of eyes or the skin. Commonly seen in newborns. Constipation Poor feeding  Mood swings Poor growth rate resulting in short stature  Facial puffiness Sleepiness or sluggishness Generalized body weakness Dry skin Delayed puberty Heavy menstrual bleeding in girls. Enlargement of the thyroid gland. Forgetfulness and poor concentration. Your pediatrician or a consultant neonatologist may order specific such as measuring the blood levels of thyroid stimulating hormones and blood thyroid hormone levels to make a diagnosis. Imaging tests such as thyroid ultrasound may help in making a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. if your baby is born in UAE, the thyroid hormone screening is included in the newborn screening done at 24h of life. If a child has hypothyroidism, they are treated with thyroid hormone therapy. Your consultant neonatologist will determine the dose of thyroid therapy based on your child’s age and other factors. Book an appointment with Dr. Olfa Koobar, the best pediatrician in Dubai, and treat your child properly with expert care.   Sources Hypothyroidism in Children: Knowing the Signs and Symptoms Hypothyroidism in Children Hypothyroidism in Children  

How To Treat Constipation In Newborns?

Like most women, you may be worried if your newborn is not pooing. While chances are your baby may be constipated, it is common for infants to go for days without pooing, and it is perfectly normal, provided your baby is happy and well. Be sure to take your newborn to a consultant neonatologist or newborn pediatrician if you notice something wrong with your baby. Read on to learn more about constipation in newborns and how to treat it. Constipation In Newborn According to the North America Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN), constipation refers to a delay or difficulty passing stool, present for at least two weeks, and associated with significant distress.  However, in newborns and children, the duration is longer – up to 8 weeks, according to the Paris Consensus on Childhood Constipation Terminology (PACCT). In addition, constipation should be accompanied by at least two of the listed symptoms. Reduced frequency of pooing to less than three times per week. Incontinence of stool more than once per week. Development of behavior of withholding stool. Pain with passing stool. Passing large volumes of stool that clog the toilet. During the examination of a constipated baby, a consultant neonatologist or a newborn pediatrician may also feel a fecal mass in the abdomen or rectum of your baby. How To Treat Constipation In Newborn There are many ways of treating your baby’s constipation. Here are simple home remedies to relieve your newborn’s constipation. Gently move your newborn’s legs while cycling while lying on their back. Massaging your newborn’s abdomen using your fingertip in circular movements may also ease constipation. Give your infant a warm bath. This relieves straining by relaxing the abdominal muscles. Ensure your baby stays hydrated by breastfeeding most often. A newborn pediatrician may also recommend giving a constipated baby a small amount of fluid, such as water. Sometimes constipation in a newborn occurs due to an underlying medical condition requiring the baby to be attended to by a consultant neonatologist. These conditions include: Hirschsprung disease Pediatric hypercalcemia, and hypokalemia Pediatric hypothyroidism Anorectal malformation such as imperforation. The above conditions may cause severe constipation associated with vomiting, swollen tummy, loss of weight or poor weight gain, and severe abdominal pain. Your newborn pediatrician or consultant neonatologist may recommend surgery, colon evacuation, and the use of laxatives if your newborn’s constipation is due to a medical condition. Contact Dr. Olfa, she is a consultant neonatologist in Dubai, UAE. She will attend to your baby’s health needs.     Sources Pediatric Constipation Treatment & Management Constipation in babies Constipation: Infant

Neonatologist in Dubai: Best Newborn Care Tips

New mothers are often oblivious to the intricate details required to handle a newborn and are usually baffled when such responsibility is put upon them. This is nothing out of the ordinary, as the idea of the responsibility of handling a human life along with postpartum blues often make it difficult for new mothers to cope. A new mommy is full of questions as she is often uncertain about most things related to her newborn. During regular visits, along with the checkup, Dr. Olfa Koobar, the best neonatologist in Dubai, provides the mother assurance with some newborn care tips to cater to the daily problems faced by her (Filkins 2021). A newborn can bring a whirlwind of activity and excitement to your life pairing with plenty of stress and fatigue, too. Whether you’re a first-time parent or a veteran, consider these tips to keep stress under control. Expert Advice from a Neonatologist in Dubai for Newborn Care Take Take Care of Yourself Keep a healthy relationship with your partner during this overwhelming time. A new baby, paired with the stress of work, introduces more pressure on everyone involved.  Make sure you maintain a healthy diet, exercise (preferably at night when the baby is asleep), and keep the line of communication open between you and your partner, by sharing and discussing the problems you are facing. Limit Visitation Your friends might come unannounced to admire the newborn. You need to tell them beforehand when you will be available and politely ask visitors to wash hands before grabbing and spending time with the newborn. Ask for Help The responsibility of a newborn is a lot to handle. Be open to asking for help from family and friends. Go out for a walk if you’re going stir-crazy with a fussy newborn. If you can trust someone, let them take the reins for a while and spend a day out with your partner to relax and rejuvenate.  Feeding the Baby Keep a schedule and feed the baby accordingly. Ask for medical help in case of problems encountered during breastfeeding. Keep your options open regarding using formula as most new mothers have difficulty breastfeeding after their first pregnancy (Staff 2020).  Don’t overthink You should not overthink or let your thoughts overwhelm you. Go with the flow. Remember this time of tip-toeing won’t last forever and you will get used to the hustle. Just keep your calm and breathe… Work in Shifts It is better for young couples to work in shifts in order to be able to handle a newborn on their own. It is a 24/7 task so it is better to divide the time so neither of the parents gets tired and exhausted (Swain 2005). Why Choose Dr. Olfa as Your Trusted Neonatologist in Dubai? Dr. Olfa, one of the best neonatologist in Dubai, knows that apart from regular checkups after a new baby is born, it is also necessary to understand the concerns of the mother and address them accordingly. She believes it is part of her Hippocratic oath to provide young mothers with the essential tips mentioned above to help them overcome the daily challenges they face and struggle with at the beginning of their journey with a new baby.

Tips to reduce the risk of birth defects

What are Birth Defects? Any physical, psychological, or chemical abnormality in your newborn baby’s body is considered a birth defect. This issue arises while the baby grows within the mother’s womb. The majority of birth abnormalities occur during the first three months of pregnancy. What Causes Birth Defects? There may be no known reason for the defect, or it may appear due to a complex mix of factors such as, Infection during pregnancy Genetics Chromosomal problems Lack of certain nutrients in the body Exposure to drugs or radiation When are Birth Defects diagnosed? Some defects could be detected during the antenatal period when doing regular fetal ultrasounds. At the time of birth, your baby may appear to have only one defect, such as a cleft lip, or they may be born with several, such as a cleft palate and lip with kidney, brain, and heart problems.  Not every birth defect will be visible to your pediatrician or neonatologist at the delivery time. Most birth abnormalities such as scoliosis and kidney condition may not show up until your baby is a few months old or aged a few years. How to reduce the risk of Birth Defects? You cannot avoid all birth abnormalities, as you may already be aware. But by controlling your health issues and establishing good habits before getting pregnant, you can raise the likelihood of having a healthy kid. The following tips can help lower the chances of birth abnormalities. 1- Be prepared beforehand Utilize approximately 400 mcg of folic acid or vitamin B9 through dietary supplements each day. You can avoid significant birth abnormalities of the spine and brain development by consuming adequate folic acid for at least a month before conception and throughout pregnancy. You should routinely see your gynecologist. Prenatal care is essential for you as soon as you suspect you are pregnant, so make sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor as early as possible. You should maintain your prenatal care visits as it’s crucial to visit the doctor frequently throughout your pregnancy. 2- Avoid intoxicants When you are pregnant, stay away from alcohol at all costs. The umbilical cord allows alcohol in your blood to reach your unborn child while it is still growing. It may result in stillbirth, miscarriage, also several physical, psychological, and neurological problems that last a lifetime. Refrain from smoking. Preterm delivery, congenital birth abnormalities, and infant mortality are all risks of smoking during pregnancy.  Protect yourself against infections. While pregnant, a woman may get pathogens that may affect the unborn child and perhaps result in birth abnormalities. Avoiding overheating and properly treating fevers are advised during pregnancy. 3- Pick a healthy way of living. Try to eat healthy and organic food supplements that can fulfill your body’s nutrient requirements. Avoid birth-defect complications by maintaining your Body Mass Index value. Maintain your hygienic health condition. Follow a light exercise routine as your doctor instructs you. 4- Talk with your Gynecology and Consultant Neonatologist Consult your healthcare professional about medications. Avoid taking high-dose medicines unless your healthcare professional instructs you. Take complete guidance from your doctor about receiving vaccination shots against mild health conditions such as flu and diphtheria. Conclusion While being pregnant is a beautiful experience, it can sometimes be demanding. You will feel more at ease if you know you are doing everything to prepare for motherhood, maintain your well-being while pregnant, and give your child a healthy beginning in life. Contact Dr. Olfa, the best consultant neonatologist in Dubai.   Source Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Improving Birth Outcomes, Bale, J. R., Stoll, B. J., & Lucas, A. O. (Eds.). (2003). Reducing Birth Defects: Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World. National Academies Press (US).https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK222097/?report=reader

Signs of Dehydration in Infants

Dehydration is a common problem in infants and children. Unfortunately, if not corrected early, it can lead to serious health issues for your baby. Read on to understand more about dehydration. What is Dehydration? Most newborn pediatricians attest that dehydration is a common condition in infants and children that occurs when they lose more water than the amount of fluid being taken. The excessive loss of body fluid, such as water, results in loss of blood volume. As a result, the heart receives low-volume blood, and less is pumped to the rest of the body. Therefore, various parts of the body receive low oxygen and nutrients making the body not function normally. Visiting the right consultant neonatologist will help you understand more about dehydration. Cause of dehydration. Dehydration may happen in your infant because of many reasons. They include: Diarrhea Vomiting High blood sugar called diabetes Fever resulting in excessive sweating Excessive blood loss due to trauma or an accident. Not drinking enough fluids, for example, when not breastfeeding adequately. Signs and symptoms of dehydration. There are many ways you can tell your baby is dehydrated. You should watch for the following signs of dehydration in your infant. Dry skin, tongue, and mucous membranes Thirst They reduced urine output. You can tell your baby has reduced urine output if they wet less than six diapers daily. Crying infant with very little or no tears Sunken fontanelle – soft spot on your baby’s head. Rapid and deep breathing Cool and blotchy extremities – hand, hands, and feet. Delayed skin pinch for more than 2 seconds. When your infant is severely dehydrated, they may have the following signs and symptoms Very fussy Wrinkled skin Urinate highly concentrated urine once or twice a day Cool and discolored extremities. Low blood pressure Severe dehydration can result in life-threatening conditions such as convulsions, brain damage, blood clot formation, and death. What should you do to help your infant get better? You can do many things at home to help your infant get better. According to WHO (World Health Organization), all babies below six months should be exclusively breastfed on demand. So, ensure you feed your baby according to your doctor’s instructions. Avoid giving your baby sweetened fluids such as sugary sodas or juices, as they can result in diarrhea, dehydrating your body. Consider contacting your consultant neonatologist if your baby has signs and symptoms of dehydration or when vomiting or diarrhea increases in amount or frequency. Book an appointment with Dr. Olfa, the best pediatrician in Dubai, and treat your child with expert care properly.   Sources 1. Dehydration (for Parents) – Nemours KidsHealth. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/dehydration.html 2. Signs of Dehydration in Infants & Children – HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/injuries-emergencies/Pages/dehydration.aspx