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What are some common pediatric problems?

What are some common pediatric problems?

Babies are little blessings, making your life complete and happy. As a pediatric doctor, I’m going to share some important facts to help you on this parenting journey. Additionally, you may experience pediatric problems that may seem normal but may be uncomfortable for your baby. So, let’s walk along with me to explore some of the core pediatric issues and what you can do about them.

  • Feeding

Most parents will face this issue in the initial days after their baby is born. This is a common concern where parents struggle in dealing with a fussy baby who refuses to be breastfed or bottle-fed. This happens either as a natural reflex to something foreign or due to stomach ache. 

If your little one is seemingly facing trouble taking nutrition or showing indications of health problems, it is better to seek help from a pediatrician doctor. They are there to support you and give you advice on how to tackle the feeding problem and how to hold your baby when he or she is uncomfortable. Pediatric doctors also offer alternatives for breastfeeding such as they will give out specialized formulas and provide strategies to deal with your baby’s issues. 

  • Rashes

Diapers have no alternative and you can’t take a baby anywhere without a diaper. It is really common for infants to have diaper rashes because your baby’s skin is not used to something like this and diapers irritate skin so badly. The prolonged contact of wet diapers or constant friction between diaper and skin is the main reason for such rashes.

What you can do to overcome such a pediatric problem is to make sure your baby is clean and the diaper is not wet. Change your infant’s diapers regularly and use toxic-free wipes or lukewarm water to clean them off. Apply an ointment or barrier cream as recommended by your pediatrician.

  • Overcoming Health Problems

Changing weather conditions and environmental effects are the main reasons behind your newborn’s health problems. It is common for babies to be susceptible to illnesses such as overcoming colds, flu, or stomach aches. 

These conditions often resolve on their own once you take proper care of your young ones. In case your child still has not recovered from one of these conditions, it is best to provide proper medication and make sure they are well-rested and hydrated. If you feel your baby is not getting better, consult your pediatric doctor as soon as possible.

  • Teething

One of the challenging pediatric problems is the teething phase. Your baby will face difficulty in sleeping and will be restless and uncomfortable until the teething phase is over. It is better to give your baby a chilled teething ring, gently move your finger over their gums, and massage it. This will soothe your baby’s discomfort and help them overcome it easily.

  • Irregular Sleep Cycle

Babies are not used to the routine, noise, and environmental changes. This may hinder their normal sleep cycle and will make them cranky. It is best recommended to place your baby on their back and use soothing music to help with their sleep schedule. 

Be sure to check your baby’s diapers regularly, as the wetness may disturb their sleep cycle. It is best to use high-quality products to avoid skin reactions and help prolong the baby’s resting time. 



Parenting is such a wonderful phase where you get to experience everything new. Make sure to seek your pediatric doctor for consulting, seeking support, and asking for guidance. Keeping up to date with common pediatric issues can help you better understand your baby’s condition. You can also help your infant overcome health problems with great ease. Contact Dr Olfa today for more information.