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Neonatologist in Dubai - Best Newborn Care Tips

Neonatologist in Dubai: Best Newborn Care Tips

New mothers are often oblivious to the intricate details required to handle a newborn and are usually baffled when such responsibility is put upon them. This is nothing out of the ordinary, as the idea of the responsibility of handling a human life along with postpartum blues often make it difficult for new mothers to cope. A new mommy is full of questions as she is often uncertain about most things related to her newborn. During regular visits, along with the checkup, Dr. Olfa Koobar, the best neonatologist in Dubai, provides the mother assurance with some newborn care tips to cater to the daily problems faced by her (Filkins 2021).

A newborn can bring a whirlwind of activity and excitement to your life pairing with plenty of stress and fatigue, too. Whether you’re a first-time parent or a veteran, consider these tips to keep stress under control.

Expert Advice from a Neonatologist in Dubai for Newborn Care

  • Take Take Care of Yourself

Keep a healthy relationship with your partner during this overwhelming time. A new baby, paired with the stress of work, introduces more pressure on everyone involved. 

Make sure you maintain a healthy diet, exercise (preferably at night when the baby is asleep), and keep the line of communication open between you and your partner, by sharing and discussing the problems you are facing.

  • Limit Visitation

Your friends might come unannounced to admire the newborn. You need to tell them beforehand when you will be available and politely ask visitors to wash hands before grabbing and spending time with the newborn.

  • Ask for Help

The responsibility of a newborn is a lot to handle. Be open to asking for help from family and friends. Go out for a walk if you’re going stir-crazy with a fussy newborn. If you can trust someone, let them take the reins for a while and spend a day out with your partner to relax and rejuvenate. 

  • Feeding the Baby

Keep a schedule and feed the baby accordingly. Ask for medical help in case of problems encountered during breastfeeding. Keep your options open regarding using formula as most new mothers have difficulty breastfeeding after their first pregnancy (Staff 2020)

  • Don’t overthink

You should not overthink or let your thoughts overwhelm you. Go with the flow. Remember this time of tip-toeing won’t last forever and you will get used to the hustle. Just keep your calm and breathe…

  • Work in Shifts

It is better for young couples to work in shifts in order to be able to handle a newborn on their own. It is a 24/7 task so it is better to divide the time so neither of the parents gets tired and exhausted (Swain 2005).

Why Choose Dr. Olfa as Your Trusted Neonatologist in Dubai?

Dr. Olfa, one of the best neonatologist in Dubai, knows that apart from regular checkups after a new baby is born, it is also necessary to understand the concerns of the mother and address them accordingly.

She believes it is part of her Hippocratic oath to provide young mothers with the essential tips mentioned above to help them overcome the daily challenges they face and struggle with at the beginning of their journey with a new baby.